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Egg Tokens[edit]

Buy egg tokens south, west of Marious. It is suggested to keep your eggtokens as coppers, and upgrade to iron/mithril/diamond just before you need to. Some items require coppers and you can't split an iron into five coppers.

  • 20 eggs = copper egg token
  • 100 eggs = iron egg token
  • 1k eggs = mithril egg token
  • 10k eggs = diamond egg token

[Price] Item
[2000000] An alluring, black feather mask.
[3000000] A glowing dragon egg.
[1000000] The tunic of the dragon slayer.
[5000000] Marious's subterranean helm.

Lyrae'a the Magii telepaths you, 'You'll be a hit at parties with this for just two mithril egg tokens and three tins of repaerdnim paste.'.
Lyrae'a the Magii telepaths you, 'an alluring, black feather mask - Lev(21) Loc(head)  fragile nounegg hps(20) mana(20) SKL/SPL: Charm Person (proficiency +30%) '.

Lyrae'a the Magii telepaths you, 'This excellent-quality focusing stone can be yours for only one diamond egg token and one crystal dragon talon.'.
Lyrae'a the Magii telepaths you, 'a glowing dragon egg - Lev(27) Loc(hold) AW AT AC  fragile nounegg hps(-45) SKL/SPL: Malediction (success +10%) '.

Lyrae'a the Magii telepaths you, 'For this tunic, you'll need to bring me two mithril egg tokens and three dreamweaver's drums.'.
the tunic of the dragon slayer - Type(Magic Regen) Lev(30) Loc(body) hps(40) armor(-20) sbr(-3) blunt_vuln(-3) Regen(Lev:25 Chgs:1) [Bloodbath] Cond(pristine-185)

Lyrae'a the Magii telepaths you, 'I'll need an undetted Helm of the High Forest, five tins of repaerdnim paste, and six mithril egg tokens for this.'.

[Price] Item
[2000000] Maleficence, the bow of the wicked.
[2000000] Fidelity, the bow of True-Heartedness.

Aucia, the merchant telepaths you, 'I'll need one diamond egg token and eight dreamweaver's drums for this.'.
Aucia, the merchant telepaths you, 'Maleficence, the bow of the wicked - Lev(31) Loc(wield) 2H 9d4 missile by 3.0 AG AN   mana(30) hr(3) SKL/SPL: archery (proficiency +5%) Shockwave (proficiency +5%) '.

Aucia, the merchant telepaths ycount eggou, 'I'll need one diamond egg token and a talon from a mammoth crystal dragon for this.'.
Aucia, the merchant telepaths you, 'Fidelity, the bow of True-Heartedness - Lev(30) Loc(wield) 2H 7d5 missile by 3.0 AE AN   hps(20) hr(7) SKL/SPL: archery (success +10%) throw (success +5%) '.

[Price] Item
[2000000] A ring carved from pure sapphire.
[2000000] A pulsing, black carbon ring.
[5000000] A shiny mithril coin.
[5000000] A bright gold coin.
[5000000] A gleaming silver coin.

Wyllius, the gentleman merchant telepaths you, 'I'm looking for four mithril egg tokens, four iron egg tokens, and two of the dreamweaver's rings for this.'.
Wyllius, the gentleman merchant telepaths you, 'a ring carved from pure sapphire - Lev(25) Loc(fing)    mana(45) '.

Wyllius, the gentleman merchant telepaths you, 'I'm looking for four mithril egg tokens, four iron egg tokens, and two of the dreamweaver's rings for this.'.
Wyllius, the gentleman merchant telepaths you, 'a pulsing, black carbon ring - Lev(25) Loc(fing)    hr(3) dr(3) '.

Wyllius, the gentleman merchant telepaths you, 'I'll trade you this wonderful coin for one diamond egg token and two mithril egg tokens.'.

Wyllius, the gentleman merchant telepaths you, 'I'll trade you this wonderful coin for eight mithril egg tokens for this.'.

Wyllius, the gentleman merchant telepaths you, 'I'll trade you this wonderful coin for four mithril egg tokens.'.

[Price] Item
[5000000] A tuft of flaming phoenix feathers.
[3000000] A small spool of mithril thread.
[1000000] A lump of acidic gel.
[1000000] A dragon brain.
[1000000] The bloody talon of a blue wyrm.
[1000000] A large crystal talon.

Fendrel telepaths you, 'You'll need to provide one diamond egg tokens for these tufts.'.

Fendrel telepaths you, 'This exquisite component will cost you one diamond egg token.'.

Fendrel telepaths you, 'I'm looking for one mithril egg token and five iron egg tokens for this reagent.'.

Fendrel telepaths you, 'This rare item will cost you two mithril egg tokens.'.

Fendrel telepaths you, 'I will trade you this for a crystal dragon talon.'.

Fendrel telepaths you, 'I will trade you this for eight iron egg tokens, one tin of repaerdnim paste, five dreamweaver's drums, and five dreamweaver's rings.'.

[Price] Item
[12000000] The blessed shield of Order.
[12000000] A ghostly, disembodied force.
[12000000] A swashbuckler's enchanted buckler.
[12000000] A heavy, titanium kite shield.

<945hp 183m 598mv 100br -r> [sfiLpQVW]  inq order
Jerrothar the metalsmith telepaths you, 'I'll need five mithril egg tokens and two dreamweaver rings for this.'.
Jerrothar the metalsmith telepaths you, 'the blessed shield of Order - Lev(30) Loc(shield) AM AT AW AC-ap(10)    hps(25) holyvuln(-3) bluntvuln(-3) infcle(1) SKL/SPL: Malediction (susceptibility -4%) 

<945hp 188m 610mv 100br -r> [sfiLpQVW]  inq force
Jerrothar the metalsmith telepaths you, 'I'll need five mithril egg tokens and three tins of repaerdnim paste for this.'.
Jerrothar the metalsmith telepaths you, 'a ghostly, disembodied force - Lev(30) Loc(shield) AC AT AW AC-ap(7)    mana(35) holyvuln(-3) sharpvuln(-3) infmage(1) SKL/SPL: Malediction (susceptibility -5%
) '.

<945hp 193m 610mv 100br -r> [sfiLpQVW]  inq buckler
Jerrothar the metalsmith telepaths you, 'I'll need five mithril egg tokens and four shadowy daggers for this.'.
Jerrothar the metalsmith telepaths you, 'a swashbuckler's enchanted buckler - Lev(30) Loc(shield) AM AC AW AC-ap(3)    hr(5) firevuln(-4) coldvuln(-4) SKL/SPL: dodge (success +5%) Shockwave (susceptib
ility -2%) '.

<945hp 197m 610mv 100br -r> [sfiLpQVW]  inq kite
Jerrothar the metalsmith telepaths you, 'I'll need five mithril egg tokens and two dreamweaver drums for this.'.
Jerrothar the metalsmith telepaths you, 'a heavy, titanium kite shield - Lev(30) Loc(shield) AM AC AT AC-ap(10)    hps(30) sharpvuln(-3) bluntvuln(-3) firevuln(-3) SKL/SPL: parry (success +7%) '.