Asnor Mountains
From Heretical Apocalypse
Asnor Mountains | |
Zone Number: | {{{Number}}} |
Designer: | Lucifuge |
Rooms: | 227 |
Re-Pop Time: | 1 hour |
Exploration | |
Designer: | {{{Exploration Designer}}} |
XP: | {{{Exploration XP}}} |
Suggested Level: | {{{Exploration Level}}} |
Exploration Time: | {{{Exploration Time}}} |
Initial Notes
Assume everything is from S ent. No one uses W ent, and now with keys being NOLEAVEZONE, it's completely useless. Warden/Lord+Master/Kilnor are the only main mobs that lure (and elf). All others are sentinels (ie don't move).
Path to ancients (ancs) and then to Caolabhuinn
- From ent go U, all N, U, all N, U, all N, U, W. Open passage, W look at all the knights. Why? Because they sometimes (though rarely) load a port. If port loaded, ice them now. If only wrist loaded, save it for after scales. If nothing loaded (or useless blade), ignore them altogether.
- From knights go all E, all U, all N to locked gate. Find a troll guard with battering ram (sometimes there is more than one troll guard, but usually only one). Lure or just ice on the spot, mobs are easy. Unlock and open gate.
- From before gate continue all N. The 2nd west you'll pass will be called "Chamber of Silence" - that's regen room. 2E of that regen room is a cleric (charmable) that loads a 100k shopsell flail. So all N, U, S till E, E. Pick/open both doors, and charm Huede/Gaerdal. MAKE SURE YOU SOLO CHARM. If you fail charm with mobs in form, you'll end up having them fight each other and lose charmie(s). Huede can load a nice mana mace (though !mage), and Gaerdal loads a 4hr/25+mana ring that is either useful for hr modes, or shopsells for 125k. Go back west to main path, all S, U, N. While you're going through here, charm maidens. From this room go up and hands/charm conductor. Also note from conductor D, all E, S is another regen room (Confessional chamber or something). Continue all N charming maidens till you have full form.
- All N you'll see a priest and two priestesses. Do not use the keyword priest. Use the keyword high or skye. Hands high, dispel him (if he has both cane and cloak which can amount to -5ss, I don't even bother dispelling). Keep him down and ice him. Cane is a 35mana/-2ss base item (so technically could be better than athame, and I've seen some quite good). Make sure to keep !sanced charmies in front (remember, if charmies get dispelled, and usually when they are it'll be full dispel, they'll unform) and ice him. Note that all keys in zone are slippery.
- All S, D, all N, D, S till 2nd E (it'll be 2N from the room before gate). E, unlock and open door, D, dispel and ice Master. Loads some crap (best item is 5hr/3dr g-only held).
- U, W, all N, U, all S, U, all N (to high priest room). Unlock and open ceiling, MASS INVIS (or you'll get stabbed by next mob if he loaded pike), up and dispel and ice knight. Knight is blocker. He loads AE hp/-ac shield (30hp base), 75k shopsell pike stabber, and 2/4 wrist. Be ready to move north and hit next mob (Breedan) immediately after if there are ppl trying to bank.
- NOTE: From high priest the door to knight is called "ceiling". Logically, from knight that same door down is called "floor". Also, there is a door between knight and Breedan and it's called "seal" (from both sides)
- North, hit breedan. He does dispel but you won't need charmies after you ice him, so doesn't matter who's where in form. Loads 100k shopsell staff, 45k shopsell bell (AE mana held, can tweak nicely, as high as 60s).
- S, D, all S, D, all N, D, all S, all D till you're east of knights (all D 1U). Assuming that people are ticked and ready, all W unlock rock open rock, D (or unl rock and ethereal down), D, all W, E, 2N. You'll see a stone guardian, and probably a few knights. If there are no bankers, shield room guardian and shield room south of him (tick room). Lure knights E and E of guardian (they only go in those 3 rooms) and ice guardian. LOOK AT ALL KNIGHTS FOR PORTS, they sometimes load. Loot for useless eq (eq pts).
- There are now THREE ways to get to dragon. I'm listing them to get to swamp.
- From guardian all S, E till D, D, unl open door, E [rarely used]
- From guardian all S, E till 2nd south, S till E, all E, unl open door, S [a bit more common now but wall still most common]
- From guardian all S, E till 2nd south, S till 2nd E, unl open wall, E [most common]
- From swamp go all E, D, W, S, E, N, W [think of it as a full circle], W, N, E, N. Hit dragon. This is the mob most ppl try to bank on if not guardian. Loads blackscales and amulet (key).
- After dragon is dead, go S, W, S, E, E, S, W, N, E, U and get out of swamp, heading back to guardian. IF people are banking, unl open gate at guardian, N, and ice mages (I suggest someone (not leader) shield room because knights do go here. If no one is banking, steal ancient mage (3x). Check mages for ports as well.
- From mages someone solo all E, N and look at all 4 balors for ports (most common place for ports in Asnor is balors). If loaded, either try to blind some, or just stab wimpy. Be careful of bankers trying to ice ppl on wimpy.
- To continue zone run, all S, E dispel ice Myrshia. Also check her for port.
- W, 3N, all W to mage's room, clear it. When ready, unl open gate N, ice warlord and priests (annoying, I suggest charging). No eq.
- When ready (c fire prot), down and ice Cao (Caolabhuinn). Loads starburst sword (7d8 6/2 melee weapon), crown (30+hp/-2ss), some useless cloak, orb (2.malcomp).
- Extra: from guardian get back to swamp otw to dragon and go all E, D, W, S, E, 2N, W and ice balor for bracers (35hp/3hr), and sometimes port loads too.
Shadows Path and Kilnor
In order to do this part, you need to have iced Breedan. While the first two mobs load before it, they're totally useless to ice unless you have unlocked rock at wrist-knights.
- From ent go U, all N, U, 2N, open boulder, W, open door, W (Tank the pit bull is not aggro). West, dispel hermit and ice.
- Unlock open floorboard, D, dispel ice baby dragon
- Go to rock (U, all E, N, U, all N, U, all W), assuming it's unlocked already go D, W, all N, all W. Unl open grating, D. Find a safe room, lure warden and ice. Loads some hp/-ss torch light and other useless crap.
- U, all E, all S, W, S till W, W till N, N. Unl open gate, N, open door, W (lord is in this room), open stone-door (can't abbrev), N. Trap here or 1W and lure lord. Dispel/ice. Loads shadows shield (35hp base AG), claws (5dr hands), devastator (6d6 5/3 AG dagger)
- Solo S, E, 2N, open door E. Lure master to where you ice lord. Loads some useless crap + figurine (rentable sanc) + key to kilnor
- From lord/master corpses S, E, S, E till N, all N, W till S, all S, all W. Watch out for nightwanderer elf. He's superinvis (cant see him in room unless you type look elf) and loads a quite decent G stabber. Can lure and ice. !dispel.
- From here unl open gate, N, W is kilnor. Lure and ice. He's !dis. Loads some hp (body/feet) and the best thief relic (malkin in thar is a close 2nd).