The Temple of Bloodstone
Made with
Temple of Bloodstone
Done By: Zandar
How to get to Bloodstone:
Enter portal go to clantown 3, then fly derah, or fly straight to derah… Then once in Derah fly west 11, north 6. Thats it!
Important Bloodstone KEYS.
IRON KEY - From Lava (2 north of Northern @) all south, east, all south, kill tree, get knot corpse, unlock stump, open stump, get all stump.
BLACK KEY - From Entryway, south, wear shields, all east, all south, west until north, north search until down exit, down, open door east, kill knights for BLACK key.
BONE KEY - Once you have BLACK key, from Knights, unlock door east, east until you see the Inquistor, and kill him for BONE key.
ETHERAL KEY - Once you have the BONE key, go all east (from Inquistor), unlock cage south, open cage south, solo, south, search until south opens, all south, east, all south, get key. Then go back outside to form with key. (NOTE: if you are evil align, your hps will be drained so HAVE LOTS OF HPS)
BLACK AND SILVER KEY - From BACK of Bloodstone (WALL), north, all east, north, kill knights.
BRICK/SLAB/ROCK - From SOUTHERN @, north, north, west, west, search, all down, kill rathernols and search at WALL until back opens.
WALL/BACK - From tree, north, west, all south, 3 east.
TREE - From Northern @ all south, east, all south.
Day One Walkthrough
From lava (Two north of northern @)
First kill tree and get IRON key. Then unlock gate, s, close gate, lock gate, WEAR SHIELDS, s, e, e, e, all south, west till north exit is a small intersection. SOLO: n, search until down opens, then bring form, n, d, e, kill armors for black key, Then proceed to get ETHERAL KEY. Then (from knights) w, u, s, (CRAMPED), east until closed exit south, pick door south, o door south, south, search, south, pick door west, o door west, w, w, search, south. unlock gate , open gate, u, n, all west, n, n, pick door west, open door west, w, attack apprentice make him port. Head back to lava. go to tree, all up, down, east, search, d, all east, all north open door west, kill astral phantom for brittle key. east, all south to secret observation room. from here solo and lure out/trap kill claws, and just trap elementals. then form goes down all east, up, east, kill apprentice, get all corpse. (WHITE spellbook & fake robe, divine, small key) port back to lava, bring form back to bone, go back to regular apprentice, unlock door west, open door west, get boots, pull lever. head back to bone. then with form go up north, east, north up, east, south, up, east. from here find the guardian demon, trap and kill. port out back to lava from tree: north, all east, down, follow path until door, use guardian demon staff on door, unform east, south, east, north, north, and refollow. then go wnwswwswnwds search. trap below here, breathe water warrior and fear him out. up, kill mage for brass key. head back to intersection, east, north, east, south, west, search, west, west, open door north, north, kill warrior for black spellbook.
LEADER - to get ruby, head to bone, then to library (unwwwnnnnw) search, south, search, south search, west, get boots, open boots, get ruby boots.
|------------| | Key for Day 2: a small, sparkling ruby | |------------|
From Southern @: nywnw SEARCH D. In this area, there are hidden Rathernols. There are different kinds of bricks/slabs/stones, ice each rathernol and search at back/wall (From Northern @ all south, e, all south, n, w, all south, e,e,e) until it opens. There are 4 bricks in Total.
Day Two Walkthrough
Have bring form past gate. Head all south, search with ruby. Follow path down, find spiked corridor, have form track you to spiked. Search in spiked corridor, trap, lure mage, kill mage for green spellbook. From spiked go all west 1n pull lever, In mudmaster highlight the word dust and find chest in maze, with dust on the floor and south/east exits. pick chest/g all chest for item (dr/dex gloves) and adaminate orb (key). port out have form phase on lava. from here head back to gate. unlock etheral gate and crypt. From etheral gate go unwww all nsw search until swnn opens then search with green spellbook in inventory and it will open exit west. unform and go solo follow path west to locked exit then unlock and follow path down to jungle. have form follow path to you. find frogman with crystal formation. kill it then head to se corner of jungle. have form breathe water and go down, unlock door east, nail ooze for amulet of protection. port out back to lava. with back open go from gate: n w all south eee have form go nroth then you go north then go all east nnwwn wear amulet and kill shielag for backpack get crank from backpack. port out to lava have form phase go to gate, then follow path to etheral gate. from etheral gate head to subterran jungle again (from gate: unwwwnnnnnnswswnn follow path west) then find portcullis (nne i think) from jungle ent hold crank use crank portcullis will open. form leader solo and trap before portcullis. lure out nightmare beast. lure out dracowere with crumpled scroll. close portcullis and TURN OFF DOOR TRIGGERS. hit dracowere with full force, get crumpled scroll. then hit nightmare beast with full force and get tusks/hooves and pink ring (d3 KEY). head back to back of bstone and from knights 2w all south search with crumpled scroll. hands sorc and kill her for ward of opening. bring form back thru gate and up to etheral gate go: unwww all n, search, have form spellup. go solo d all n all e all n all w open s s search till e opens go e get tome (lloth key). bring form down to illithids and kill one with key and trans out.
|-------------| | Keys for day 3: a large ping marble ring | | a intricate mithril key------ | |-----------——|
Priestess of Lloth Walkthrough
Bring form ice tree for knot etc, unlock gate get bone key and etheral key. unlock etheral gate and bring form uneneu search till n opens, nnn o door e, EAST UP THRO ILLUSINARY EXIT. o door e east north o door east, east kill elemental. search with tome trap here. kill priestess dispel plague and pound. careful she summons warriors. LEADER SOLO: Holding rune from LLoth: from etheral staircase (or BONE staircase) nwnnn o door e, e, alln, o door e, e, all down, s, w, s, e, s, o hatch, down, g crown.
Day 3 Walkthrough
Open up back of bloodstone. From here (north of wall) go e, n, n kill knights for black and silver key. From knights, unlock gate west, open gate west, west, close door east, lock door east. Bring form w, n, n, search, n. Go solo, s, s, all w till n, n, put ring horn. Go back to form, open trapdoor up, lure maiden to form. Ice maiden get key that falls to the ground. From below trapdoor, go all south, o door south, south, o door west, west until south, s w kill mob in room. From there search, all down, follow path to locked door, unlock the door with a intricate mithril key. From here follow path until an intersection, at intersection go WEST and continue to follow path. Trap dragonians along the way. Have form come to you, and then either solo or bring form to blind azure. (2e) Once azure is blinded have form flee and go all west. Tick up, sanc, go 2e and hands/pound highlord until dead. Loot, go back 2w and tick etc. Bring form back 2e, nail azure. From where azure is go all w all s e n e all s all u e n e all s w u unlock door. go south g spellbook from chest, have around 700+ hps for this. then go 2w and get leaf. go back to lava (2n from northern @) and solo all south east all south n all west all n search until down opens. hit druid flee and it will appear to you. kill druid g sack from corpse, g bowl from sack, g parchment from bowl. go thru back of bstone again and from knights go all west play harp. You will get a platinum holy symbol. Then from gate of bstone unlock etheral gate, then go u n all w all n s w s w n n, search, w, search s, g all for a metal gauntelt.
|------------| | Keys for day 4: a black crown of vecna | | a platinum holy symbol ----—| | a metal gauntlet -------- | |------------|
Day 4 Walkthrough
Open up back of bloodstone, ice knights for black and silver key. Open up ethereal gate, then from bone staircase go u n all w, all n, s, w, search, south, search, west, search, north search, north search, north search until east opens have form go east and kill the metagolem. When meta is almost dead go back to bone staircase then go u n e n u search n n n o door w w s when meta is iced pull chain. head back to metagolem, and when form is ticked up go e u e all s kill roper for gauntlet of immortal strenth. from roper go all n w d w w s s s e n e all south e e e all n e all n o door e e all down s w s e have form enter portal, then go n e open portcul lis. solo this part and go n all w wear crown sit, vecna will conjrue east of you. find an empty room and trap vecna, and death wyvern if you want (e'ur belt comp). have form go to this room solo and hit vecna/wyvern with full force! kill it and g key head back to portcullis, then go w s and enter portal. w n e n all u w all s w all s w all n s tick here. east should be a locked exit when full solo trap one clear room east, and lure guardian genie here. nail him with full force then unlock chest, g all spellbooks from chest, might need to people then solo and go all west, search, n search, west, search, south search until there is a metagolem. then bring form and hit metagolem with full force. unlock trapdoor up, o trapdoor up when its dead, solo lure knight of the rose to a clear room, then kill, g all corpse and unlock box with symbol and g sheet box from here get circle (NEED DIRS) and ice vecna in n w area. lure/trap vecna and get all whjen it dies. then check if those 2 metagolems loaded ergs, if they did then ice if not then leave and bring forn n n w kill cryohyra unlock door west solo fol path west and get hole trans out. and solo to knights go all west from gates and play harp, you will get a mithril longsword (DK KEY)
|------------—| | Keys should have gotten: a copper circle | | (GLABREZU) --------— | | a mithril sword --------- | | (DEATHKNIGHT) -------- | |------------——|
Glabrezu Walkthrough
Get iron and etheral keys. From Bone Staircase go up, north, west, west, all north, east, all north, east, all down, east, south, all east, unlock door south. Prepare to fight glabrezu. Target drake and bash glab while doing this. When glab oozes he will port. Tick up and have form enter portal. From here go east, south, all east, north, west. Kill pit fiends along the way if you wish. From here follow path to effreetis. Bring form in and kill both, look key, then solo up west, unlock door north, north, hit glab, lure him to form. Hit glab with alt bashes and when he conjures an efreeti BLIND efreeti and flee. Alt bash glab until dead.
Death Knight Walkthrough
Open back with right brick from Rathernols. Kill knights at back for black and silver key. From gate, go west, west, all south, o door south, south, o door west, west until south, all south, follow path east until closed door. (should be in a Grande Staircase) once at closed door type put sword fist and door will open. Solo trap rooms and lure gorimerga and kill it for key. (HAS A NASTY PROC MAKE SURE U X HEAL)Then all east, unlock door east, BLIND DK EAST and flee. once dk is blind tick up and hands dk then NAIL phantasm with bashes until dead. Catch a tick and then hit dk full blast. Done!