Ulhazzen Mines

From Heretical Apocalypse
Revision as of 07:20, 13 September 2015 by Zanitho (Talk | contribs)

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Designed by Numerous/Caeraela

Exploration designer: Zuasha

Max XP: 7,500,000

- Get rid of the Drallans

 - Kill 2 of "A Drallan" 

- Find an opalescent orb

 - From west ent, all e, d,w to an "Intersection",s,w,w,n,

- Defeat the war maiden of air

 - From an "Intersecion" all n, all e,

- Defeat the war maiden of fire

 - From an "Intersecion" s,w,all s,

- Defeat the war maiden of earth

 - From a "Intersection" s,all w,s,all w 

- Defeat the war maiden of water

 - From an "Intersecion" n,all w,s,all w,all n,

- Slay the Avatar of a Dark Goddess

 - From an "Intersecion" w,n,w,n,d,all n,u,n,d, all n,

- Slay the bandit leader

 - From west ent, all e, d,w,