Ulhazzen Mines

From Heretical Apocalypse
Revision as of 22:03, 25 October 2015 by Zanitho (Talk | contribs)

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Ulhazzen Mines
Designer: Numerous/Caeraela
Rooms: 51
Re-Pop Time: 10 mins
Designer: {{{Exploration Designer}}}
XP: {{{Exploration XP}}}
Suggested Level: {{{Exploration Level}}}

Special Note

The Ulhazzen Mines are restricted to single class players level 30 and under

Directions to Zone

 under level 26 type haven, all e, all u, e, ent mirror
 over level 25 fly Ulhazzen

Explore Walkthrough

 Exploration designer: Zuasha
 Max XP: 7,500,000
 Suggested Level: 19
 Get rid of the Drallans
 - Kill 2 of "A Drallan" 
 Find an opalescent orb
 - From west ent, all e, d,w to an "Intersection",s,w,w,n,
 Defeat the war maiden of air
 - From an "Intersecion" all n, all e,
 Defeat the war maiden of fire
 - From an "Intersecion" s,w,all s,
 Defeat the war maiden of earth
 - From a "Intersection" s,all w,s,all w 
 Defeat the war maiden of water
 - From an "Intersecion" n,all w,s,all w,all n,
 Slay the Avatar of a Dark Goddess
 - From an "Intersecion" w,n,w,n,d,all n,u,n,d, all n,
 Slay the bandit leader
 - From west ent, all e, d,w,