Courrain Island

From Heretical Apocalypse
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Courrain Island
Zone Number: {{{Number}}}
Designer: Numerous
Rooms: 101
Re-Pop Time: 11 mins
Designer: Celylia
XP: 6,750,000
Suggested Level: 15-20
Exploration Time: {{{Exploration Time}}}

Directions to Zone

Explore Walkthrough

Explore Notes

Find the fountain of wisdom

 from @ o gate, all e to the Fount of Wisdom.

Defeat those who still seek to cause destruction

 Kill 3 of A warrior of the night.

Seek out the old throne room

 From the Fount of Wisdom 6w, 3s, 2w, s to the Ruins of a Throne Room.

Assist the hedge witch

 From the Ruins of a Throne Room n, e.

Find the hidden chambers of Karlisna castle

 From the Ruins of a Throne Room n, e, sea, o door, d, through the tunnel(2e,2s,2e,n,3e,3n),2u to the hidden chambers of Karlisna castle.

Bring peace to King Kalklinor

 After reaching the hidden chambers w,2n,2e,s.