Aid Mayor with Troll Problem

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Aid Mayor with Troll Problem
Level: unknown
Difficulty: moderate
Zones: {{{Zones}}}
Total Time: no limit


to find Basalan, the Mayor of the City (30 minutes)

In Med City. From recall, 4W, N, W, N, U, S.

to find the mayor [of Riverton] (30 minutes)

In Riverton. From the north entrance, 3S, W, S, U.

to find the wilderness room at 1041 x 1285 (30 minutes)

In the wilderness. Follow the road south from Riverton until you reach the intersection in front of the inn.

to find the wilderness room at 1041 x 1289 (10 minutes)

In the wilderness. Walk south from last objective to the room directly in front of the inn.

to find the drinkmaker (10 minutes)

In The Inn. From ent, all south.

to find a drunkard (5 minutes)

In the Inn. North from drinkmaster, but may roam a few rooms.

to give a frosty mug to a drunkard (3 minutes)

Go back to the drinkmaster and buy mug, give to drunkard.

to give a frosty mug to a drunkard (2 minutes)

Again, as above.

to give a frosty mug to a drunkard (1 minutes)

Again, as above.

to find a drunkard ()

The last one passed out, need to roam to find another drunkard.

to find a serving maid (5 minutes)

In the Inn. Roams.

to find the wilderness room at 1041 x 1289 ()

As above. You fight the drunk here - very very easy.

to find a serving maid (5 minutes)

As above.

to find a bard (5 minutes)

In the Inn. He's in the room S and W of the bar.

to find the wilderness room at 1041 x 1289 (5 minutes)

See above.

to find the wilderness room at 1080 x 1249 (30 minutes)

It's northeast of the Inn and southeast of Riverton. Use a sextant, if necessary, to confirm your location.

to find the mayor (30 minutes)

As above.