Aid Horneg in Blood Elemental Study

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Aid Horneg in Blood Elemental Study
Level: 25
Difficulty: moderate
Zones: Horneg's Keep, Derah Villadom2
Total Time: 2 hours, 45 minutes


to find Horneg (1 hour)

From Spirited Heights' northern entrance (@), go 4S, W, 2N, U, W, U, S, U, S, U, E, U, S, 2W, N, 2W, S, W, S. Kill golem for key, or pick gate. Then go 3S, U, 2E, S, W, U, S, E, S, search, W. Get all sar, get all corpse, drop corpse. (Sandril loads here: killing her, a cleric of approx level 20, is optional.) Then go E, U, W, wear amulet, U. (Horneg is here.) ::Note: You are given a clear jar.

to kill the blood elemental (1 hour)

In evil Derah.

to give a clear jar to Horneg (45 minutes)

As above. This is the jar you received in the first step.