Apron for a Prim Maidservant

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Apron for a Prim Maidservant
Level: 23
Difficulty: easy
Zones: The City of Medievia, The Hidden City of E'nat'dae
Total Time: 2 hours, 30 minutes


to find a prim maidservant (30 minutes)

From recall in Med City, enter mage. Go N, N, N, N, then all W.

to find a cheerful janitor (20 minutes)

Located randomly in Mage Quarter in Med City.

to give a broom to a prim maidservant (20 minutes)

As above.

to find a sweet housewife (1 hour)

In E'nat'dae. From zone entrance, go N, W, 9N, 4E, 3N, 2W, open door N, N.

to give a large cotton apron of the purest white to a prim maidservant (20 minutes)

As above.